
Our 51Сʪ Magazine – new edition!

Read the latest edition of Our 51Сʪ Magazine. You can read it digitally via the link below: 


Dive into the latest happenings across the College, discover recent student achievements, and the many ways we continue to grow together in faith and learning. 

Our 51Сʪ Magazine covers community events, academic, sports, and arts news, along with messages from the College Executive.

We hope this edition provides you with a deeper connection to our community and the shared journey of our students and staff. 

Inside Our 51Сʪ Magazine

  • College Character values: Faith, Integrity, Respect and Excellence
  • Enhancing Writing Skills in Primary
  • Empowering Students for a Purposeful Future
  • Students visit Korea, Canberra and Melbourne
  • Outstanding History Teacher Award
  • NOVA Arts perform ‘Romeo & Juliet’
  • Independent Schools Championship
  • Perfect scores in Bebras Challenge
  • Rewarding exceptional achievement
  • Australian Honours Ensemble Program
  • Swimmer represents Australia at Pan Pacifics
  • Country Carnival Community Event
  • Celebrating Mother’s and Father’s Day
  • Parenting Tips

Foreword by our Principal

Let’s spur one another on toward love and good deeds

I am proud of our journey this year where we have embraced our College character values of Faith, Integrity, Respect, and Excellence. These values guide us in living purposefully and influencing the world for good and for God.

Our mission as a Christian school is to develop each student as a Christian disciple. Christianity uniquely offers us the identity of being sons and daughters of Father God (Galatians 3:26) and the gift of salvation through grace (Ephesians 2:8). Every person is created in the image of a loving God, and we are all worthy of dignity and respect.

Our students are unique individuals with distinct gifts, talents, and purposes. Excellence is not about comparison but about giving our personal best in all we do. Galatians 6:9 encourages us to persist in doing the right thing, promising rewards for our perseverance.

We are all on a journey of learning and growth, and together we can encourage each other, and spur each other on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).

Mrs Ruth Gravestein

From the Principal: Faith, Integrity, Respect, Excellence

Last year, our staff engaged in collaborative workshops to identify the core values that define the character of a 51Сʪ student, staff, and community member. From a comprehensive list, we distilled these four character values to empower us to influence our world for good and for God.

Why have character values?

Character values bring clarity and purpose to our lives. As Simon Sinek, author of Know Your Why writes, “Most of us live our lives by accident – we live it, as it happens. Fulfilment comes when we live our lives on purpose.” Through our involvement in Christian education at 51Сʪ, we can purposefully become people of faith, integrity, respect, and excellence.

Faith in Jesus Christ

As a Christian school, our mission is to develop each student as a Christian disciple. Why? Because we, who are Christians, know that living a life of faith in Jesus Christ is the best way to live this one life we have been given. Only in Christianity are we called sons and daughters of Father God (Galatians 3:26). Only in Christianity is salvation a gift of grace from a loving God through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8). Only in Christianity does God save us because a good, faithful, loving God knows we cannot save ourselves.

Integrity – Doing the right thing

Honesty, truthfulness, reliability, and trustworthiness describe a person who lives with integrity. Relationships flourish when honesty guides good people in their choices and, as Proverbs 11:3 says, those who are dishonest will eventually pay a high price. Galatians 6:9 encourages us to be honest and do the right thing which brings rewards if we don’t give up.

Respect for ourselves, others, and the environment

As the Bible tells us, each of us has been created by a loving God, in His image, so every person has value. Therefore, each of us is worthy of being treated with dignity and respect and ensuring we treat others the same way. Respect means to care for, appreciate, and honour. To love your neighbour as yourself. What a peaceful and productive community we could have if we all lived this way.

Excellence by striving to do our personal best

We have all been created as unique individuals, and God has a marvellous plan and purpose for each of us. Our gifts, talents, and achievements will be different, but it is in our sustained effort that we show and grow our character. When we excel and do our best, we thank God because He made us, and Holy Spirit helps us. We encourage our students to keep choosing to work hard, be proud of their efforts, and give their personal best.

Our hope and prayer are that these character values define who we are as members of the 51Сʪ community. We know that we are all learning and growing, so we want a community where we encourage each other to love God, be saved by Jesus, have Holy Spirit as our helper, and become more like Jesus in being people of faith, integrity, respect, and excellence.

Mrs Ruth Gravestein

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