
Year 12 Prayer and Breakfast

As our Year 12 students approach their final exams, staff gathered to send them off with prayer and encouragement. As we prayed for students, we focused on our identity in Christ, striving for excellence because we serve Jesus, and finding comfort in His presence during stressful times. In addition to the prayers, our students enjoyed a breakfast prepared and served by our wonderful staff and Year 11 students. 

Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Programs are student-focused, with dedicated Christian staff engaged in ministering to each student. Working together, students and staff can identify and cultivate the huge God-given potential seen in each Secondary student.

Student Development

In an ever-changing world, the College remains committed towards a holistic approach where we are considering the academic, emotional, social, creative and spiritual development of our students. 51СʪÃà seeks to equip our students with a variety of tools and skills that will help them to become an engaged member of the community and influence the world for the common good.

During their years at 51СʪÃÃ, students are given many opportunities for personal challenge, to develop
leadership skills and to take on positions of added responsibility. These opportunities often come in the form of camps, special events, or, in senior years, coaching junior teams and specific student leadership positions within the College.

A Christian Worldview

Secondary provides students with wonderful opportunities and the chance to make life-changing choices. Our staff pray daily that each student will make the most of the opportunities available to them and make wise choices, academically, spiritually and behaviourally.

It is our prayer that every student will experience Jesus as their Saviour, and Holy Spirit as their Helper and that they discover the remarkable plan God has for them. The years you spend growing through a 51СʪÃà Christian education will equip you to be people of faith, learning, influence and integrity.

Our Biblical worldview is embedded into all our curriculum pathways and every subject area contains a Christian rationale for the teaching of the subject. The educational framework of the Secondary School is based on the pedagogy of Understanding by Design [Wiggins & McTighe], with emphasis placed on:

  • Beginning with and working towards desired lifelong understandings
  • Uncovering, as well as covering content
  • Discovering the ‘big ideas’ within the content
  • Extending and enriching student thinking
  • Providing real life contexts and connections
  • Creating engaging educational experiences relevant to student life

Head of Secondary: Empowering Students for a Purposeful Future

At 51СʪÃÃ, the word Empower has been chosen as the student focus word of the year, guiding our mission and vision to develop students so they can make a meaningful difference in the world. Empowerment is often seen as personal growth and achievement, but from a Christian worldview, it is deeply rooted in community and mutual support. Our approach at 51СʪÃà emphasises not just individual success, but the importance of nurturing our students spiritually, emotionally, socially, and academically, ensuring they are well-rounded individuals equipped to influence the world for good and for God.

As Hebrews 10:24-25 teaches us, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” This scripture reminds us that true empowerment comes from building each other up within a community. At 51СʪÃÃ, we create an environment where students are encouraged to gather, support one another, and grow together in faith and purpose.

Empowerment at 51СʪÃà is also about recognising and nurturing the unique gifts and talents that God has bestowed upon each student. We are committed to helping our students discover their God-given abilities and use them to serve others, as Paul writes in Romans 12:4-6: “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ, we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” This approach ensures that when our students leave 51СʪÃÃ, they do so as leaders who are ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Recently, our Year 12 students celebrated the milestone of 100 days until the completion of their school journey. This occasion marks an exciting yet challenging time, as they prepare to step into the next chapter of their lives. As they approach the finish line, we encourage them to finish well, holding onto the values they have learned and the faith that has guided them throughout their time at 51СʪÃÃ. The Bible reminds us in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” This verse serves as a powerful reminder to our Year 12 students that their hard work, perseverance, and commitment to excellence will yield great rewards. As they enter their final school days, they are encouraged to stay focused, remain steadfast in their faith, and, as Philippians 3:14 urges, “press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called [them] heavenward in Christ Jesus”.

By integrating faith with learning and fostering a strong sense of community, we empower our students to be leaders who impact the world positively, embodying the principles of Christ in all that they do. When they leave 51СʪÃÃ, our prayer is that they carry forward the values of faith, integrity, respect and excellence that have been instilled in them so they may influence the world for good and for God.

Mr Cameron Ivers
Head of Secondary

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